Usage of RTM#

import numpy as np
from raysect.optical import World, translate, rotate
from raysect.optical.material import AbsorbingSurface
from import PinholeCamera, RadiancePipeline2D, MonoAdaptiveSampler2D
from raysect.primitive import Cylinder, Subtract
from cherab.iter.machine import import_iter_mesh
from cherab.iter.divimp import read_divimp_mesh
from import FovCamera, FoV
from cherab.iter.emitter import RegularRPhiZIntegrator, RegularRPhiZEmitter
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import RTM, plot_fov_2D

# === Configuration ===========================================================
case = "2226"
view = "DIM_EP1"
dphi = 0.1
dtheta = 0.1
step = 0.0025
cutoff = 0.1
min_samples = 1000
nr = 450
nz = 950
rmin, rmax = 3.95, 8.55
zmin, zmax = -4.65, 4.8
wlmin, wlmax = 655.6, 656.6
eps_rz = 1.0e-4
r, dr = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, nr + 1, retstep=True)
z, dz = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nz + 1, retstep=True)

world = World()

# === Load ITER PFC ===========================================================
wall = import_iter_mesh(world)

# === Plasma ==================================================================
askukush_filename = f"../cherab/iter/divimp/lines/lines_{case}.txt"
divimpprof = read_divimp_mesh(askukush_filename, r, z, ["D_6561"])
emissivity = divimpprof["D_6561"] / (wlmax - wlmin)  # spectral emissivity

# === Camera ==================================================================
fov = FoV(view)
pupils = fov.view["PUPILS"]
rotate_angles = fov.euler()
phi, theta = fov.view["FOV"]
pixels = (int(round(phi / dphi)), int(round(theta / dtheta)))

pipeline = RadiancePipeline2D()
sampler = MonoAdaptiveSampler2D(pipeline, fraction=1.0, cutoff=cutoff, min_samples=min_samples, ratio=10000.0)
camera = FovCamera(pixels, fov=(phi, theta), parent=world, pipelines=[pipeline], frame_sampler=sampler)
camera.transform = translate(*pupils) * rotate(*rotate_angles)
camera.min_wavelength = wlmin
camera.max_wavelength = wlmax
camera.spectral_bins = 1
camera.spectral_rays = 1
camera.pixel_samples = min_samples
camera.ray_extinction_prob = 0

# === Create RTM ==============================================================
rtm = RTM()
# rtm.load("test.npy")
rtm.create(camera, r, z, wall=wall, pixel_samples=10)
# rtm.create(camera, r, z, wall=wall, pixel_samples=1, mask=emissivity)"test.npy")
radiation = rtm.construct(emissivity)

# === visualization ===========================================================
phi_max = phi / 2.0
theta_max = theta / 2.0
phi_horizontal = np.linspace(-phi_max, phi_max, pixels[0], endpoint=True)
theta_vertical = np.linspace(theta_max, -theta_max, pixels[1], endpoint=True)

plot_fov_2D(phi_horizontal, theta_vertical, radiation)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery