Plot 2D image of radiation#


The database is stored in /home/ITER/bonnix/public/imasdb/iter/3/0/ids_1220520001.* It will be moved to public database in the near future. (Oct. 1st 2019).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cherab.imas import RadiationIDS
from cherab.core.math import sample2d

# configuration
shot = 122052
run = 1
user = "public"
machine = "iter"
time = 0
indxprocess = 0
indxelement = 0
ion_or_neutral = "ion"
rn = 200
zn = 400

print("loading radiation IDS")
radiation_ids = RadiationIDS(shot, run, user, machine)
species = radiation_ids.species(time, indxprocess)
# print(species)

# get geometry range of poloidal cross-section
r_range, z_range = radiation_ids.get_geometry_range(time)
rmin, rmax = r_range
zmin, zmax = z_range

# get emission profile
radiation = radiation_ids.emission(time, indxprocess, indxelement, ion_or_neutral)

# make 2D data
r, z, PowerDens = sample2d(radiation, (rmin, rmax, rn), (zmin, zmax, zn))

# plot radiation profile
plt.pcolormesh(r, z, PowerDens.T)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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