SOLPS module#

Kukushkin module#

cherab.iter.solps.kukushkin.load_emitter_from_kukushkin_format(mesh_file, data_file, column_index, wavelength, atomic_weight, emission_temperature, world)#

Loads SOLPS line emission data from Kukushkin’s ITER SOLPS output files.


This file format is unstable and unreliable. Use with caution.

  • mesh_file (str) – Path to SOLPS mesh description file.

  • data_file (str) – Path to SOLPS line emission data file.

  • column_index (int) – The column index with the desired line emission.

  • wavelength (float) – Wavelength of line emission.

  • atomic_weight (float) – Atomic weight for calculating doppler broadening.

  • emission_temperature (float) – Effective emission temperature to use for doppler line broadening.

  • world (raysect.optical.World) – The Raysect World object into which this emitter will be inserted.


A Raysect cylinder primitive with the line emission material attached.

Return type:
